track website Life Is

Life Is

What is the meaning of life? ..... Everything

A Creative Orgasm Of Heart and Soil

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"I'm Back"

Wow... it has been a minute... so much has happened in the past few months...First major thing on the list is that i will be completely done with school in May.. yey!!! and there is a new love in my life. well he's been around for about 8 months. he sticking around... finally committed to someone.

But there is so much more to tell... in the coming posts i shall reveal all.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Just Breathe


Sunday, October 18, 2009

"An Invasion"

Direction, Editing, and Sound Design by Arabelle Clitandre(Aaza -AKA- Ma'a Kha Re).

In Awareness

Saturday, October 17, 2009

"Lil Men"

Lil men are pathetic. I am not talking about the physical stature of a man.. rather the mental stature. Some men don't know how to mature... or perhaps they choose to stay that way because its all they know how to function. Pathetic. so Pathetic. I can only stand now and watch this lil man continue to make a fool of himself. The worst thing is that lil men actually think they are grown and have progressed to a higher level of maturity when in actually they've only find alternative jargon to perpetuate their lies. Fluff it up with spiritual awareness... fluff it up with maturity... fluff it up with notions of love. nothing but fluff to cover the bullshit that which is lil men. All i can do is observe their strategies. hmmm...maybe use it to my advantage.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Direction, Editing, and Sound Design by Arabelle Clitandre(Aaza -AKA- Ma'a Kha Re). The abstraction of birth. The creator and that which is created being one, birthed and acknowledging the self!

Isn't it strange being alive?... Alive?
We're the Creators
We're supposed to be the gods
What's the color of your soul?

In Awareness


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


That rabbit hole is sooo deep!!! how many more layers of lies must we sift through. WE must rise up and rebel! There are numerous organizations out there providing these Antiretroviral Drugs to those supposedly infected with a deadly HIV virus. They do this for humanitarian purposes, yet they are falsely educated on the facts of HIV/AIDS. Instead of providing information and tools needed to improve the conditions of poverty stricken countries they are unknowingly (perhaps) giving drugs that are aiding in population control and killing millions of people.... THIS HAS TO STOP!!! REBEL!! EDUCATE YOURSELF!!! DONT BE FOOLED AND HYPNOTIZED BY ALL THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE AND BRILLIANTLY FINANCED PROPAGANDA!! EDUCATE YOURSELF! RESEARCH! SPEAK THE TRUTH AND REBEL!

Please research HIV/AIDS theory... there are tons of information out there on its falsehood.

In Awareness


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I'm going to love because i want to feel the sensation of love. It is the most pleasant and whole feeling you can experience. I am going to love without the what if's and caution. I am going to love on my terms even if it's a love that i must experience in silence.

IN Awareness